ICELT 2013 was a success and made a difference in my life especially after the nerve - wrecking presentation on the 3rd day which I had been preparing for the past 3 months of my life after my proposal was accepted by the ICELT secretariat. Preparing for the conference was not a joke. I had to make sure that I prepared well as I had no idea who will be attending my sessions and if some big names were to be there the humility would be a bitter lesson to swallow. True enough professors and associate professors from whichever universities were there in my room watching me presenting in such an amateurish manner. What were they doing in my session!? "Hello there are other presentations going on, go to the next rooms not mine please!!!" My heart shouted out loud! I didn't know who were they until they came to me and patted on my shoulder after my presentation, congratulating and honouring me for giving such a wonderful presentation!!! I was shocked, speechless, stunned and nobody knew how I felt at that time!!!! Well I wouldn't say my presentation was the best presentation I did make a few grammatical and pronunciation slip being nervous and being Mohana..... I did notice some glaring grammatical errors on my slide which was not suppose to be there, I WAS IN AN ELT CONFERENCE and GRAMMATICAL ERRORS! NO FORGIVENESS FOR ME!!! OMG I saved the wrong powerpoint slide! gosh!! Well, all went on well at the end of the day!! And all the praises I got on that day has brought my confidence to a greater height....I dedicate all the praises to GOD. I also learnt that I should be extra careful the next time to avoid such glaring mistakes...People may seem to be good but what they talk behind you only GOD knows....

That's enough with my story. ICELT conference 2013 was a fantastic event organised this year with some big and interesting names such as Pearlly Chua, Valerie Bloom Jane Blake and Carolyn Graham.. These were the 4 sessions that I enjoyed the most during the conference. Carolyn Graham being the founder of Jazz chants presented some of her work and made us sing together with her... Jane Blake being a professional story teller brought us to the world of imagination with her wonderful stories and of course Pearlly Chua the icon of Emily of Emerald Hill acted a few scenes from the monologue which left me mesmerized with her talents, she never got bored playing the same role over and over again for the past 20 years and now am waiting for her next show which is in April 2014...am taking my drama students for her play. What would I say about Valerie Bloom who shared her poems and her Jamaican culture as well as language with us during her sessions... these people are goddesses of talents and I was glad I chose to go for ICELT as I was suppose to go for a module building workshop organised by the District Education Department...after attending their sessions I realized that I made the right choice.
During ICELT I felt blessed when I met some lecturers with Dr. and Phd. title at the beginning and end of their names. Some of them were really down to earth and friendly and that reminds me to be humble and friendly no matter where I reach in life and dear participants, I will upload my powerpoint and worksheets as I promised during my session....just be patient and bear with me..I am facing some problem with 4shared.com. Once I have sorted it out will share them here....all you need to do is be patient....