I found an amazing e-book ( amazing for me for others I do not know) from one of the inconspicuous websites. What is amazing about this book? Well, it was published in 1891 and some of the phrases used in this book is something that I have never heard or read before.....I couldn't wait to share this e-book here.. you may download by clicking on the link below ;
Dictionary of Idiomatic phrases
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
3B The Cream Of The Crops

I was assigned to be the form teacher of class 3B in the beginning of this year. At first I was furious and reluctant to accept the 'burden' of being a form teacher as I was already burdened with other activities and duties at school. However, after giving it a deep thought I decided to take the challenge for once as I have never been a form teacher all this while. Colleagues told me that being a 'father' to a good class is much much easier!!! but they were wrong.. I faced different genre of challenges....my cute students are very loud and they speak their mind. Sometimes they laugh for no reason for almost one whole period and sometimes the class will be extremely quiet....The most challenging task was asking them to clean the classroom every morning...Phewwwwwwwwwww!!!!! it was very difficult to make them sweep the floor every morning ( Thanks to Amanda - never sweeps the floor until the teacher calls her name) also thanks to Janet,Chun Ling and Wie Chien who swept the floor throughout the year on their "duty - day" without me asking them to do it......on the other hand I have Kevin, Michelle, Develyn and Albert who is suppose to clean the windows on every Monday and Friday..when I ask them to clean the windows on Monday they will say that they will do it on Friday and vice versa.....the windows will be crystal clean when I start to yell at them.....hahahaha.....I also have other witty characters in my class such as Timothy and Loo Cheah Hong... They are our clowns and they complement each other....not forgetting the 3 stooges of my class - Irvine, Halif and Francis....owh my Monitor is Vernon Hau and his assistant is Jennifer...she has a very loud and clear voice. The boys in my class are really scared of her ..sometimes I just love to see her yelling at the boys on top of her voice.....I also have angels in class 3B Esther, Tang Siaw Ting, Chew Jia Xin and Chieng Siew Hong, just to name a few..........my sleeping beauties are Amanda, Hii Chan Jie and sometimes Michelle Wong.They seem to be soooooooo sleepy the whole day. Sometimes I wonder what do they do at night? Hahahaha....After being their form teacher for almost 9 months I really felt that I had a wonderful year with them although they have won "Anugerah kelas terbersih" for only once ...For me 3B is the best.....and our momoland will come to an end soon... I wish all of you good luck for the coming PMR examination and I will pray for all of you.....for those whom I didn't mention your name her, it doesn't mean that I do not remember you...I just don't have the time to type all your names....hahahaha...gosh I"m going to miss all of you.......
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
A Picture Says a Thousand Words.

The students of class 3B were given a project few months ago. They were divided into 5 groups and were required to identify 30 proverbs with their meanings and were asked to use pictures to convey the hidden meanings in the proverbs. The students really had fun doing this project. These are the outcomes of the classroom project. They have put a lot of efforts in completing their project. The best was Amanda's group. They used newspaper cuttings as pictures for their proverbs instead of printing out pictures from internet...
Kudos to them!!!.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
The form 1 and form 2 students are yet to know the new format for PMR 2012. However the format for the 2012 PMR examination was circulated in July 2011. My school is yet to receive the circular.I downloaded the circular from one of the websites.After discussion with the head of the English Language Department, I decided to make the first move by making a set of sample question paper using the new PMR English Language format so that the new format will be utilized by teachers in my school for the coming year-end-examination. I have made both Paper 1 and Paper 2. I would I like to share the samples here too for anyone who is interested you may download. Please e-mail comments for any improvisation need to be done on the question papers.
thank you
thank you
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Deepa - Raya Celebration in SMK Bintulu
A Celebration was held in Smk Bintulu last nite in conjunction of Hari Raya and Deepavali. About 150 staff of SMK Bintulu attended the celebration which was aimed to improve rapport among the staff of SMK Bintulu. It was a fun - filled nite and various Hari Raya and Deepavali cuisines were prepared.This was the first time an event like this being organised in SMK Bintulu.Thanks to Principal Mr. Ananthan.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Better Community Better Life - 1 Malaysia Celebration
The KRK students of SMK Bintulu too part in the Better Community Better Life Project Competition last year. The Theme of our project was Celebration and we created a display of various festivals being celebrated at once under one roof...It was fun and we got the full support of the students and teachers.....Kudos
Friday, 9 September 2011
I manage to download the latest PMR English Language format from one of the websites I surf...I was told that many schools have received the circular. However, there are schools like mine who are in the dark without knowing anything about the circular or the new format. So, for those who did not get the circular you can download them by clicking on the following link: I am in the process of doing a sample question paper for the new format and will share it with all very soon.
PMR English Language Format 2012
Happy Teaching!! TAaaaaaaaaaaa!
PMR English Language Format 2012
Happy Teaching!! TAaaaaaaaaaaa!
Thursday, 8 September 2011
How to teach English
This is a book which is very useful for teachers of English as a Second Language. Especially for beginners. How to teach English offers :
a) ideas of what makes a good teacher and what makes a good learner.
b) descriptions and examples of language teaching methods.
c) an essential intoduction to grammar.
d) teaching sequences for Grammar, vocabulary and the individual language skills.
Happy Teaching.....Taaaaaaaaaaaaa!
This is a book which is very useful for teachers of English as a Second Language. Especially for beginners. How to teach English offers :
a) ideas of what makes a good teacher and what makes a good learner.
b) descriptions and examples of language teaching methods.
c) an essential intoduction to grammar.
d) teaching sequences for Grammar, vocabulary and the individual language skills.
Happy Teaching.....Taaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Back to school..
It's time to go back to school.As all of us know the PMR examination is just around the corner ( 28 days)...so it is time to do last minute preparation.. I hope students have done the home that I gave them before the holidays....If I say I can' t wait to go to school that will be a big fat lie,......
things to do.....drill, drill and drill tht is what I am going to do with them.....hope everything goes on well...I hope 3R(weakest class I teach) will give cooperate with me....I am really worried about 3R compared to my 3B, 3F and 3I.....
things to do.....drill, drill and drill tht is what I am going to do with them.....hope everything goes on well...I hope 3R(weakest class I teach) will give cooperate with me....I am really worried about 3R compared to my 3B, 3F and 3I.....
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Embaressed by yor speeling????
The folllowing article is both humorous and scary It points out some of the silly quirks in the English language.
Having learned English spelling and grammar in elementary school I have no sympathy for those who cannot spell BY THE TIME THEY REACH the UNIVERSITY LEVEL. They are either stupid or lazy or both and to give in to their inabilities and accept their careless writing would be a travesty, in my opinion.
But I admit that our language is pretty hard to explain at times and I greatly admire all of you who have studied English and learned to speak, read and write it better than many, many of our "educated" citizens.
Note: For those of you who are just learning English, please be advised that the article contains a great many intentionally misspelled words...which of course, is the gist of the article Enjoy!
LONDON (Reuters) - Embaressed by yor spelling? Never you mind.
Fed up with his students' complete inability to spell common English correctly, a British academic has suggested it may be time to accept "variant spellings" as legitimate.
Rather than grammarians getting in a huff about "argument" being spelled "arguement" or "opportunity" as "opertunity," why not accept anything that's phonetically (fonetickly anyone?) correct as long as it can be understood?
"Instead of complaining about the state of the education system as we correct the same mistakes year after year, I've got a better idea," Ken Smith, a criminology lecturer at Bucks New University, wrote in the Times Higher Education Supplement.
"University teachers should simply accept as variant spelling those words our students most commonly misspell."
To kickstart his proposal, Smith suggested 10 common misspellings that should immediately be accepted into the pantheon of variants, including "ignor," "occured," "thier," "truely," "speach" and "twelth" (it should be "twelfth").
Then of course there are words like "misspelt" (often spelled "mispelt"), not to mention "varient," a commonly used variant of "variant."
And that doesn't even begin to delve into all the problems English people have with words that use the letters "i" and "e" together, like weird, seize, leisure, foreign and neighbor.
The rhyme "i before e except after c" may be on the lips of every schoolchild in Britain, but that doesn't mean they remember the rule by the time they get to university.
Of course, such proposals have been made in the past. The advent of text messaging turned many students into spelling neanderthals as phrases such as "wot r u doin 2nite?" became socially, if not academically, acceptable.
Despite Smith's suggestion, language mavens are unconvinced. John Simpson, the chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, says rules are rules and they are there for good reason.
"There are enormous advantages in having a coherent system of spelling," he told the Times newspaper.
"It makes it easier to communicate. Maybe during a learning phase there is some scope for error, but I would hope that by the time people get to university they have learnt to spell."
Yet even some of Britain's greatest wordsmiths have acknowledged it's a language with irritating quirkiness.
Playwright George Bernard Shaw was fond of pointing out that the word "ghoti" could just as well be pronounced "fish" if you followed common pronunciation: 'gh' as in "tough ," 'o' as in "women" and 'ti' as in "nation."
And he was a playright.
Having learned English spelling and grammar in elementary school I have no sympathy for those who cannot spell BY THE TIME THEY REACH the UNIVERSITY LEVEL. They are either stupid or lazy or both and to give in to their inabilities and accept their careless writing would be a travesty, in my opinion.
But I admit that our language is pretty hard to explain at times and I greatly admire all of you who have studied English and learned to speak, read and write it better than many, many of our "educated" citizens.
Note: For those of you who are just learning English, please be advised that the article contains a great many intentionally misspelled words...which of course, is the gist of the article Enjoy!
LONDON (Reuters) - Embaressed by yor spelling? Never you mind.
Fed up with his students' complete inability to spell common English correctly, a British academic has suggested it may be time to accept "variant spellings" as legitimate.
Rather than grammarians getting in a huff about "argument" being spelled "arguement" or "opportunity" as "opertunity," why not accept anything that's phonetically (fonetickly anyone?) correct as long as it can be understood?
"Instead of complaining about the state of the education system as we correct the same mistakes year after year, I've got a better idea," Ken Smith, a criminology lecturer at Bucks New University, wrote in the Times Higher Education Supplement.
"University teachers should simply accept as variant spelling those words our students most commonly misspell."
To kickstart his proposal, Smith suggested 10 common misspellings that should immediately be accepted into the pantheon of variants, including "ignor," "occured," "thier," "truely," "speach" and "twelth" (it should be "twelfth").
Then of course there are words like "misspelt" (often spelled "mispelt"), not to mention "varient," a commonly used variant of "variant."
And that doesn't even begin to delve into all the problems English people have with words that use the letters "i" and "e" together, like weird, seize, leisure, foreign and neighbor.
The rhyme "i before e except after c" may be on the lips of every schoolchild in Britain, but that doesn't mean they remember the rule by the time they get to university.
Of course, such proposals have been made in the past. The advent of text messaging turned many students into spelling neanderthals as phrases such as "wot r u doin 2nite?" became socially, if not academically, acceptable.
Despite Smith's suggestion, language mavens are unconvinced. John Simpson, the chief editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, says rules are rules and they are there for good reason.
"There are enormous advantages in having a coherent system of spelling," he told the Times newspaper.
"It makes it easier to communicate. Maybe during a learning phase there is some scope for error, but I would hope that by the time people get to university they have learnt to spell."
Yet even some of Britain's greatest wordsmiths have acknowledged it's a language with irritating quirkiness.
Playwright George Bernard Shaw was fond of pointing out that the word "ghoti" could just as well be pronounced "fish" if you followed common pronunciation: 'gh' as in "tough ," 'o' as in "women" and 'ti' as in "nation."
And he was a playright.
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